Profile and story
Lovania is an energetic girl with an infectious smile. In her spare time, she enjoys writing, reading, drawing and cycling with her parents. At 7, she's the oldest member of her family. She loves playing with and taking care of her brother and sister outdoors. Later, she hopes to become an astronaut to watch over the Earth.
In November 2021, Lovania was diagnosed with T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma. During her treatment, she was fortunate enough to be followed close to home, at the Charles-Bruneau Pediatric Oncology Unit at CIUSSS de l'Estrie. She then received maintenance treatments from August 2022 to April 2024. During this period, she was hospitalized on several occasions, including six bouts of pneumonia. This gave her many opportunities to demonstrate her strength and ability to adopt a positive attitude.
To the delight of Lovania and her entire family, she rang the remission bell on April 19, 2024.
She will start her 2nd year in September and is already visualizing her official recovery in April 2029.
To view her presentation on Facebook, click here.
To view her presentation on YouTube, click here.
Lovania is the hero of the routes...